Assignment #2
Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 0 minQuestions
What do I need to do for Assignment #2
What is expected?
- Select two SCM cases designed to simulate ocean (land) environmental conditions.
- Select two physics suites that are relevant for the representation of precipitation in the selecsted environment.
- Conduct simulations for each possible combination of cases and suites (4 experiments). The length of the experiment should not exceed 4 days.
- Compare the time series of precipitation (mm/day) for all experiments.
- For a period with active/suppressed precipitation compare the vertical profiles of each tendency term of specific humidity (q, units: g kg-1/day) and temperature (units: K/day) for all experiments.
- In a 3-page report discuss similarities and differences you observe when analyzing your simulations.
The physics suites and primary schemes supported in CCPP v7.0.0 are listed in the table below adapted from DTC.
Observations available to drive the SCM are:
When is it due?
March 3
How do I turn it in?
Upload your homework to Canvas.
Key Points