Assignment #3
Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 0 minQuestions
What do I need to do for Assignment #3
What is expected?
- Create a case using CESM with the following:
- resolution f19_g17
- compset B1850
- Run for 4 years
- Produce daily output for PRECL and PRECC
- Produce monthly output for all default variables
- Choose a variable of interest to you and make seasonal mean (Dec-Jan-Feb, Mar-Apr-May, Jun-Jul-Aug, Sep-Oct-Nov) maps for this variable
- Make longitude-time plot of total precipitation (PRECL+PRECC) averaged 5S-5N for the 4 years of your run.
Your figures should have colorbars, titles, and units.
Instructions for running JupyterLab on NCAR
When is it due?
Mar 24
How do I turn it in?
Upload your report to Blackboard including the location of your notebook or upload the notebook to Blackboard.
Key Points