CESM Quickstart


Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • How do I setup and run the CESM?


You have now downloaded all the model components and the CIME workflow. Let’s take a look: From your /glade/work/username/cesm2.1.5 directory, see what is there.

$ ls

What was added after running manage_externals

Organization of the CESM Directory

CESM has a set of keywords that refer to specific directories, they are:


Your SRCROOT and CIMEROOT exist after downloading the CESM. What are the exact paths for you?


The cime subdirectory contains a subdirectory called scripts. This is the directory we will use initially for setting up the model. Change into this subdirectory and take a look.

$ cd cime/scripts
$ ls

The final one-time step is to create a directory called cases in your home directory.

$ mkdir ~/cases

The cases directory (also called your CASEROOT) will contain all the source code and configuration files for your model experiments.
Why do you think we would put something like this in our home directory?

Model Quickstart

Above were the one-time setup setps, now we move on to the steps you will do everytime to setup a new model experiment and run it.

Go into the scripts subdirectory in your CIMEROOT

$ cd /glade/work/cstan/cesm2.1.5/cime/scripts

Create a new case

$ ./create_newcase --case ~/cases/b.day1.0 --res f19_g17 --compset B1850 --project UGMU0049

This created a new subdirectory for your new case. Change to that directory.

$ cd ~/cases/b.day1.0 

Setup the case

$ ./case.setup

Build the executable (this will take while)

$ qcmd -A UGMU0049 -- ./case.build

This will take awhile. While the model is compiling, we will talk about what the create_newcase command did.

Potential Errors

Some users received an error indicating that their account was overspent or expired. This happened to users who already had a NCAR account associated with a project charge code that was no longer available. To resolve this, set the PBS_ACCOUNT environment variable to a valid charge code for this class.

$ export PBS_ACCOUNT=UGMU0049

This setting will go away after you logout, so you will need to set it everytime for the correct project charge code associated with the project you are working on.

What did we just do?

create_newcase takes 3 arguments


Case Name (case)

This is the name and location of your experiment

This experiment is called b.day1.0 and it is located in my cases directory in my home directory.

Resoultion (res)

Specifies the resolution and grid of the model components. Each model resolution can be specified by its alias or long name.


How to know what grids are available? There’s a tool

$ CIMEROOT/scripts/query_config --grids --long 

and a website

Understanding grids

The resolution f09_g17 is the standard resolution used for CMIP simulations with the CESM. What is the resolution of the atmosphere/land and ocean in this model?

Component Set (compset)

Sets which versions and component models are active vs. inactive and what forcings are used.
The first letter B in this compset indicate that all components are active. The 1850 means that the 1850 greenhouse gas forcings will be used.

How do I know what the different compsets are?

There’s a tool

$ CIMEROOT/scripts/query_config --compsets

and a website

Some Common Compset Starting Characters

Certain compsets are scientifically validated meaning they have been extensively tested.
You can create your own compsets. It is strongly suggested that you start developing any experiments from a scientifically validated compset, then make changes. The selected compset determines which grids are available.

The CASEROOT directory

This was created when you ran create_newcase. Change directory and take a look at it:

$ cd ~/cases/b.day1.0
$ ls

It contains a bunch of .xml files which are configuration files. We will learn how to modify them next week.

What happened when we ran case.setup?

What happened when we ran case.build?

How can I find out what my CASEROOT, CIMEROOT, etc. are if I forget?


Now what?

If your build has completed, then you can submit your model run to the queue.

$ ./case.submit

You can see that is is in the queue, using

$ qstat -u username

What do we see regarding the model run in the queue?

You can logout now. While we are away, our model will run. We will return next week to take a look!

Key Points