History Files
Teaching: 0 min
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How can I look at my model output?
History Files
This is of course why we run the model experiment in the first place. We want to see the model output from our experiment. Where does it go? If the experiment an the archiving ran successfully, model output is located in DOUT_S_ROOT
. Where is that?
$ ./xmlquery DOUT_S_ROOT
DOUT_S_ROOT: /glade/derecho/scratch/cstan/archive/b.day1.0
Let’s go to the DOUT_S_ROOT
directory and see what is there:
$ cd /glade/derecho/scratch/cstan/archive/b.day1.0
$ ls
atm cpl esp glc ice lnd logs ocn rest rof wav
There are sub-directories for each of the component models and the output, called history
files are located in each component sub-directory.
Let’s go look at output files form the ocn model:
$ cd ocn/hist
$ ls
ocn/hist> ls
b.day1.0.pop.dd.0001-01-01-03600 b.day1.0.pop.dv.0001-01-01-03600 b.day1.0.pop.h.once.nc
b.day1.0.pop.do.0001-01-01-03600 b.day1.0.pop.h.ecosys.nday1.0001-01-01.nc b.day1.0.pop.hv.nc
b.day1.0.pop.dt.0001-01-01-03600 b.day1.0.pop.h.nday1.0001-01-01.nc
We can do a quick look at the ocean model output file b.day1.0.pop.h.nday1.0001-01-01.nc
$ module load ncview
$ ncview b.day1.0.pop.h.nday1.0001-01-01.nc
It make take a few seconds, but a viewer will appear on your screen. If you select SST
, then a small map of SST will appear. You can advance through all 5-times in this file using the arrows. You can advance through all 5-times in this file using the arrows.
Let’s look at the atmosphere history files:
$ cd ../atm
$ ls
There are no history files for the atmosphere. Why? We ran our first experiment for 5-days. The atmosphere is set to only provide monthly mean history files as its default. Since we did not run a full month, there are no atmosphere history files available. That configuration is set in the user_nl_cam
file and we will learn how to change it later in class.
Understanding history files
netcdf format
named based on time frequency of data
contain monthly averaged output
contain other time frequencies (e.g. daily)contain all variables for a given model component for a given time frequency and produced as the experiment runs
Eventually, we want all timesteps for a specific variable from our model run. These files are called
files and they are produced using a postprocessing step after the model run is completed. We will learn how to create these in a future lesson.
Key Points