History and Setup for Diagnostics


Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • What is in our history files?

  • How do I setup to run the postprocessing and diagnostics packages


We will now return to the output from our 4-year case. Let’s go to the atmospheric history directory for our case. If your 4-year case did not run to completion, you are welcome to look at mine.

cd /glade/derecho/scratch/cstan/archive/run.2/atm/hist

History vs. Timeseries Files

History files
contain all of the variables for a componenet for a particular frequency and are output directly by the model.
Timeseries files
usually span a number of timesteps and contain only one major variable. They are created offline.

When NCAR provides output from their model simulations publicly, they typically provide timeseries files for a select set of variables.


A history file: f40_test.cam.h0.1993-11.nc

A timeseries file: f40_test.cam.h0.PSL.199001-199912.nc

CESM Time Variable

The time coordinate variable in CESM history and timeseries files represents the end of the averaging period for variables that are averages. The time that gets resolved when the data are read in does not match the date in the filename. For monthly averaged data, the filename is correct. This can be a source of much confusion.

Example: run.2.cam.h0.0001-05.nc


The process of going from history files to timeseries files and to convert 3D atmospheric data from the model coordinate system to selected pressure levels. We will learn how to use the CESM Postprocessing Tools which are primarily written in NCAR Command Language (NCL) and PyNGL the Python version of NCL. We will use the preprepared NCL scripts without having to know too much NCL.

Diagnostics Packages

There is a large suite of postprocessing and diagnostic packages developed by NCAR using a combination of NCL and Python scripts that automatically generate a variety of different kinds of plots from model output files and used to evaluate a simulation. They all compute a series of pre-defined metrics and display the plots via a website.

There are five main diagnostics packages:

  1. Atmosphere
  2. Ice
  3. Land
  4. Ocean
  5. Climate Variability and Diagnostics Package (CVDP)

Postprocessing and Diagnostics Packages Setup

We will setup everything necessary for you to be able to run the postprocessing and diagnostics packages on the NCAR computers.

Load the postprocessing and diagnostics packages:

$ module use /glade/work/bdobbins/Software/Modules
$ module load cesm_postprocessing_derecho

Set up the working directory to run the packages:

Go to the directory of case to be processed:

$ cd /glade/derecho/scratch/cstan/run.2

Create the case to be postprocessed:

$ create_postprocess -caseroot=/glade/derecho/scratch/cstan/run.2/postprocess

Configure the package:

$ cd postprocess/

Set the case name using pp_config:

$ pp_config --set CASE=run.2

Set the location of the model data using pp_config:

$ pp_config --set DOUT_S_ROOT=/glade/derecho/scratch/$USER/archive/run.2

Tell the diagnostics what kinds of grids to expect, our version uses:

$ pp_config --set ATM_GRID=1.9x2.5
$ pp_config --set LND_GRID=1.9x2.5
$ pp_config --set ICE_GRID=gx1v7
$ pp_config --set OCN_GRID=gx1v7
$ pp_config --set ICE_NX=320
$ pp_config --set ICE_NY=384

Key Points